Friday, September 23, 2011

World Cup 2014

I am looking forward to this next world cup. Throughout the last couple of years, its been all about the European team. But this last world cup, I was really surprised of how Uruguay did. They were the only team in all of the Americas to make it that far. Both north and south american soccer is growing. Every year teams get better and better. I feel like this next world cup, Mexico is going to win. This year, Mexico won the U17 world cup which was hosted in Mexico. Mexico right now has a lot of talent in young players. In 4 years, they will be ready to win the big world cup. The U.S. isnt as good as Mexico, but they have grown a lot in many aspects of the game. They are all very big and fast. This has helped them a lot in some of the tournaments like, the Gold Cup. Both Mexico and the U.S. made it to the final, but of course, Mexico won. Soccer in South America is also pretty competitive with teams like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and more. These teams are growing and growing and are becoming bigger competitions for the European teams.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Everday soccer gets harder and harder. It feels like everyday there is someone new that is better. It's a good  thing because it makes you be on top of your game. But it's also diffucult and frustrating when you aren't. I wish there was a way to always be on top. People say its all in your head. But sometimes as much as you try, you can't mentalize yourself to keep pushing yourself.


School isn't that bad of a place. I remember when I use to come to school and just hate it. Now that I'm in high school I actually like to come to school. I get to see my friends and mess around with them. It's also pretty fun coming to see the girls. Everyday is the usual though. I wish that something new would happen. I was actually talking to my friend the other day, and we decided that we should come up with a way to prank teachers. This will kind of make the day a little more exciting.